Everything You(th) Need: Redefining Youth Care Learning Institute Wrap-Up

Learning Institute Objectives

  • To provide an opportunity to share, learn, and collaborate in order to transform the youth mental health system;
  • To explore enablers, barriers, and sustainability concerns related to Integrated Youth Services;
  • To unite national and international partners across diverse disciplines, backgrounds, and experiences and facilitate knowledge mobilization and information sharing;

Who was at the Learning Institute?

The Learning Institute in Numbers
225 attendees; 24 concurrent sessions; 50 speakers/presenters; 10 exhibitors; 2 plenary sessions

Geographical Diversity
Region # of Attendees
BC 4
QC 6
NB 1
MB 8
ON 182
SK 4
AB 9
NS 4
NL 3
International 2 (US, AUS)
Implementation Stage
Stage # of Attendees
Starting to think about it 19
Seriously considering it 28
Getting ready to implement 20
Implementing 54
Implementing and scaling it up 54
N/A 50
Role in the System
Role # of Attendees
Operational Leaders and Program Staff 100
Clinical Leaders and Clinicians 37
Youth 27
Researchers/Academics 23
Backbone Support Staff 12
Family Members and Caregivers 9
Policy-makers 6
Funders 6
Peer Support Workers 5

Day 1: February 26 Sessions

The following are summaries of key learnings and identified gaps from the Frayme Learning Institute Concurrent Session Presentations. If you would like to learn more about a presentation and access its associated references, you can click on an accompanying link to access the presentation slides.

Collaborative Symposium on Indigenous Contexts

Creating Welcoming Spaces for Indigenous Youth

Collaborative Symposium on Innovations Across Settings and Models for Under-serviced Populations

SchoolsPlus - A Model of Integrated Service Delivery

Meeting the Unmet Needs of Invisible Youth - Young Caregivers

Day 2: February 27 Sessions

The following are summaries of key learnings and identified gaps from the Frayme Learning Institute Concurrent Session Presentations. If you would like to learn more about a presentation and access its associated references, you can click on an accompanying link to access the presentation slides.

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Network partners work alongside Frayme or other network partners in order to transform youth mental health and substance use services in Canada. Access the evidence, resources and tools you need to take action.

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Les partenaires du réseau travaillent de concert avec Cadre ou d’autres partenaires du réseau afin de transformer les services de santé mentale et de traitement de la toxicomanie offerts aux jeunes. Vous aurez accès aux faits probants, aux ressources et aux outils dont vous avez besoin pour passer à l’action.