Stepping into System Change with SC2.0: A Case Study

Portrait de Alexia Jaouich and Paula Galenzoski

SC2.0 embodies the principal idea that all people have strength and capacity, and often do know what is best for them. Our role is to provide people with information that can help them make informed choices to direct their care. And we really believe this approach can increase engagement and reduce wait times and ensure that clients can get the support when they need it— that captures their moment of readiness and builds on their own internal strength and capacity to foster resilience.

On this episode of the Frayme podcast, we sit down with Alexia Jaouich from Stepped Care Solutions to discuss the development of their innovative SC2.0 program, and learn about how this model helps communities build strategic services and programs that are tailored to the unique needs of their community. Working with their clients through each phase of the project, SC2.0 offers clients support in ideation, development, implementation and evaluation. We also unpack what fidelity looks like in the SC2.0 model and why it’s important to the success of it. To illustrate the impact of SC2.0, we welcome Paula Galenzoski from Youth Hubs Alberta in the second part of the episode for a case study, where we unpack what her experience was like working with SC2.0 to implement services in youth hubs across Alberta, and the ongoing benefits it has had on these communities.

Alexia Jaouich
A strategic and empathic system change leader and psychologist with over 18 years of experience, Alexia offers expertise in implementing large-scale, evidence-based, innovative mental health programs at the organizational and systems level. Alexia served as the strategic lead on the development of SC2.0’s core components and implementation guide and continues to lead the effort to build implementation best practices into the SC2.0 model. With a passion for and an expertise in Implementation Science, Alexia has provided training, coaching and consultation to individuals and organizations at the provincial, national and international level in the field’s best practices to achieve best possible outcomes for those we serve.

Paula Galenzoski
Paula Galenzoski is the Program Manager for Youth Hubs Alberta, stewarded by CMHA Alberta Division. She and her team provide implementation coaching and support for 11 integrated youth service hubs across the province. Facilitating social innovation, systems transformation, and community building are the big dreams of the Implementation Support Team. In keeping with her passion for community collaboration, community building, and education, she is serving her third term as Trustee with Fort McMurray Catholic School Division. Previously Paula worked with the Government of Alberta in disaster recovery, a role that came to be following her family's evacuation in the 2016 Horse River Wildfire. Through these experiences, she realized her keen interest in social networks and community collaboration. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Criminology and Psychology from Simon Fraser University, and spent 15 years practicing as a registered massage therapist. Her interests and experience are broad and diverse. She lives in Fort McMurray, Alberta with two teenage boys, husband, and their bulldog Piper. 

Portrait de Alexia Jaouich and Paula Galenzoski
About the author

Alexia Jaouich served as the strategic lead on the development of SC2.0’s core components and implementation guide and continues to lead the effort to build implementation best practices into the SC2.0 model. Paula Galenzoski is the Program Manager for Youth Hubs Alberta, stewarded by CMHA Alberta Division. She and her team provide implementation coaching and support for 11 integrated youth service hubs across the province.
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