Pride For Youth Initiative

Pride For Youth Initiative work strives to advocate, advance and ensure that rights of rural youth women, youth sex workers, and gender diverse youth are upheld, protected and promoted through amplifying their voices and access to justice, equitable access to friendly comprehensive gender affirming sexual and reproductive health care services, legal aid and furthermore work on legal gender recognition, policy and legal change, violence prevention, research and documentation of human rights violations,artivism, safety and security, economic justice/empowerement,legal and human rights awareness, mental health and wellbeing, movement building as well as advocating against the punitive, restrictive policies and regulations that encourage violations of rural youth women, youth sex workers and gender diverse youth rights.
To build a broad, informed and inclusive Ugandan society where all rights, issues and interests of rural youth women, youth sex workers, and gender diverse youth are valued and celebrated through youth inclusiveness, participation and leadership.
Having an ‘An informed, inclusive and educated Ugandan community where all rural transgender youth women, transgender youth sex workers, and gender diverse youth are involved and accepted to access their social, economic and political rights in the fullness of their potential.

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Network partners work alongside Frayme or other network partners in order to transform youth mental health and substance use services in Canada. Access the evidence, resources and tools you need to take action.

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Les partenaires du réseau travaillent de concert avec Cadre ou d’autres partenaires du réseau afin de transformer les services de santé mentale et de traitement de la toxicomanie offerts aux jeunes. Vous aurez accès aux faits probants, aux ressources et aux outils dont vous avez besoin pour passer à l’action.