Yvonne Pelling

Yvonne Pelling
Caregiver Groundbreaker
Yvonne Pelling (she/her) is a Family advocate based in Montreal. She is committed to the transformation of youth mental health services by allowing her values of connection, collaboration, dignity, inclusion and equity to be at the forefront of her personal and working life. In her spare time, she is creating art by exploring the use of bio materials in order to elicit emotional responses from participants. Her work focuses on how to make the “unseen”, “seen”.
Central Canada
Affiliated Organizations 
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  • Organizational updates, including job opportunities, new hires, project launches, Blogs etc.
  • Trainings, Webinars, and Lunch-and-Learns
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Engagement Surveys (Internal and External to Frayme)
  • Focus Groups
  • Project Working Groups
  • Engagement/Research opportunities
  • Presentation Opportunities
  • Strategic Advisement to the Organization

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