Launa Linaker

Launa Linaker
Caregiver Groundbreaker
Advocate Groundbreaker
I am Kickstand's Family & Caregiver Engagement Coordinator! I bring a special interest in systems recovery and renewal to support our human healing, recovery, and renewal journeys. I imagine a future where a holistic understanding of well-being is understood as the cornerstone of our humanity and in this way well-being becomes a structural force embedded in our communities. In my spare time, you'll find me exploring the mountains or ocean side with family or find me with my nose in a book!
Prairie Provinces
Affiliated Organizations 
Open To 
  • Trainings, Webinars, and Lunch-and-Learns
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Engagement/Research opportunities
  • Presentation Opportunities
  • Strategic Advisement to the Organization

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Network partners work alongside Frayme or other network partners in order to transform youth mental health and substance use services in Canada. Access the evidence, resources and tools you need to take action.