Campus Assessment Tool

Focus Areas

The mental health of students is a growing concern on university campuses across the country. The issue of student mental health cannot be adequately addressed without understanding the conditions that cause students to struggle, and understanding the barriers that prevent students from seeking help for their mental health. The CAT examines how post-secondary institutions work to serve, protect, and promote student mental health. The research process is led by students on the studied campuses, and allows them to highlight strengths and gaps of their campus’ mental health systems. As a youth-led participatory research project, the true value and purpose of the CAT is to empower students with data that allows them to meaningfully participate in the decision making process, as it specifically relates to mental health services, policies, practices and solutions.


Along with documentation of each campus's mental health services, policies, practices, and their accessibility, the CAT highlights key strengths and gaps of the campus’ mental health systems. The CAT provides empirically backed recommendations for campuses to improve their mental health service provision, crisis response, early intervention and overall wellness promotion.


The overarching objective of the project is to improve student mental health outcomes by increasing help seeking, while also promoting mental health, limiting the need for students to seek help. By understanding the mental health services on individual campuses, and the barriers to them, the CAT aims to promote help-seeking behaviour amongst students and to improve the learning and living conditions for students, to reduce the overall need for help-seeking. Additionally, students who participate in the project gain valuable leadership experience and skills by conducting research, advocacy planning and relationship building with decision makers.


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