Vanessa Schirripa

Vanessa Schirripa
Youth Groundbreaker
Vanessa Schirripa (she/her) is a mental health advocate living in Woodbridge, Ontario. She brings special interests in mental health and wellness as well as youth engagement. She envisions a community where youth are connected and supported by both professional and community resources in an engaging and accepting manner without judgement or shame. Vanessa also works as a youth mental health worker one-on-one with individuals struggling with varying mental health concerns. In her sparetime, Vanessa enjoys hiking, cycling and baking to unwind.
Central Canada
Open To 
  • Organizational updates, including job opportunities, new hires, project launches, Blogs etc.
  • Trainings, Webinars, and Lunch-and-Learns
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Engagement Surveys (Internal and External to Frayme)
  • Focus Groups
  • Project Working Groups
  • Engagement/Research opportunities
  • Presentation Opportunities
  • Strategic Advisement to the Organization

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Network partners work alongside Frayme or other network partners in order to transform youth mental health and substance use services in Canada. Access the evidence, resources and tools you need to take action.

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Adhérez à notre réseau
Les partenaires du réseau travaillent de concert avec Cadre ou d’autres partenaires du réseau afin de transformer les services de santé mentale et de traitement de la toxicomanie offerts aux jeunes. Vous aurez accès aux faits probants, aux ressources et aux outils dont vous avez besoin pour passer à l’action.